
The Tiger's Stripes

A technical blog on math, computer science, and game theory.

Author: Bo Waggoner RSS feed

Convexity and Information Elicitation

How can we score a weather forecaster so she gives the most accurate predictions?
Glenn Brier's answer to this question in 1950 founded the field of elicitation: incentivizing strategic agents to reveal information.
The answers have deep connections to convexity, a fundamental feature that comes up all the time in machine learning and algorithms.

This series is based on my tutorial at EC '16 with Rafael Frongillo. You can see the slides from that tutorial at the above link.

Value of Information and Decisionmaking

How to formalize the value of a piece of information for purposes of decision or prediction?



Math is cool, fun, and important.
This series covers useful or interesting posts that are purely about mathematics.


Probability is so much fun that it gets its own section.

Mechanism Design